Idea customer care number | vodafone customer care number | How can I talk to Idea customer care?
Hello friend, I talk About Idea customer care number & vodafone customer care number in this post, so read fully article.
The idea is to have a well-known company in the telecom sector, and its service is good too, but sometimes if for some reason a problem arises, you can talk to the customer care officer of the company and resolve your problem.
Idea Customer care number – 12345 and 198
Vodafone customer care number – 198 & 12345
How can I talk to Idea customer care?
1. Requests and Complaints, so please dial Toll free number – 198
2.Call the Idea customer care on 12345 from your Idea mobile phone. and select right option.
What is the number to activate idea?
Dial 55715 and active your idea phone number,